How to set Shutter as the default screenshot grabbing tool in Gnome3/Unity/KDE desktop environments. Shutter is a popular screenshot tool available for Linux Ubuntu systems.
The latest version Shutter 0.93, includes Dropbox integration and support for If you haven’t installed the latest version Shutter 0.93, follow the tutorial to install Shutter 0.93 on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and other Linux distros.
To configure Shutter as the default tool to take screenshots with when you press PrtSc or Alt+PrtSc, follow the steps given below:
- Go to System Settings > Keyboard
- Switch to the Shortcut tab and add a new custom shortcut
- Enter a Name (e.g. Shutter) and a Command (e.g. shutter -f)
- Click the new row and hold down the new keys in order to add/edit the accelerator
- That’s it!
You have made the Shutter as the default screenshot tool in Gnome/Unity desktop environment.
- Go to System Settings > Shortcuts and Gestures
- Create a new global shortcut (right-mouse click) and select Command/URL
- You can now edit the associated Action and Trigger.
- That’s it!
You have made the Shutter as the default screenshot tool in KDE desktop environment.