Find all the Network Adapters in Linux Ubuntu. Display a list of all installed Ethernet adapters on Ubuntu system. Find out which network adapters you are using in Ubuntu or other Linux systems. Easily find out the manufacturer of the network adapters on your Ubuntu/Linux systems.
You can use the following commands to list Ethernet adapters on a Ubuntu Linux system. These command gives you information about both wired and wireless network adapters.
The lshw command is used to list hardwares. lshw command extract detailed information on the hardware configuration of the system. It can report exact memory configuration, firmware version, mainboard configuration, CPU version and speed, cache configuration, bus speed, etc.
Open the Terminal and run the following command:
sudo lshw -C network
lspci command
List all PCI device including Ethernet cards (NICs).
lspci | less
lspci | grep -i eth
ip command
Display or manipulate routing, devices, policy routing and tunnels on Linux operating systems. You can use ip command to list all NICs:
ip link
ifconfig command
Display or configure a network interface on Linux or Unix like operating systems.
ifconfig eth0
/sbin/ifconfig eth0