How to install FileZilla 3.10.0 on Ubuntu 14.10, Ubuntu 14.04 and Derivative Systems. FileZilla is a popular FTP client available for Linux. It can be installed on Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Elementary OS, Deepin, Debian, Fedora, OpenSUSE and other popular Ubuntu Derivatives.
Install FileZilla 3.10.0 On Ubuntu & Derivative Systems
To install FileZilla 3.10.0, download and install the FileZilla 3.10.0 installer package from the official website. Once downloaded, extract the archive, move to /opt folder and alias the launcher.
Open Terminal and run the following commands to install FileZilla 3.10.0 on Ubuntu and Linux systems:
on 32 bit Linux systems
tar -xjvf FileZilla_3.10.0_i586-linux-gnu.tar.bz2
sudo rm -rf /opt/filezilla*
sudo mv FileZilla3 /opt/filezilla3
sudo ln -sf /opt/filezilla3/bin/filezilla /usr/bin/filezilla
To start FileZilla 3.10.0, just open a terminal, type filezilla and hit enter.
on 64 bit Linux systems
tar -xjvf FileZilla_3.10.0_x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.bz2
sudo rm -rf /opt/filezilla*
sudo mv FileZilla3 /opt/filezilla3
sudo ln -sf /opt/filezilla3/bin/filezilla /usr/bin/filezilla
Once installed, you can start FileZilla 3.10.0 from Dash or Terminal. Open a terminal, type filezilla and hit enter or search filezilla in Dash.