Install latest release of Atom Text Editor – Atom 0.169.0 on Linux Ubuntu systems. How to Install Atom Text Editor on Ubuntu 14.10, Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 12.04 and Ubuntu derivatives.
Atom is an open-source, multi-platform text editor developed by GitHub. Atom Text Editor have a simple graphical user interface with lots of interesting features for editing on Text files and program codes such as CSS, HTML, JavaScript and other web programming languages. It supports auto-completion, a split screen feature and integration with the file manager program.
Install Atom Text Editor

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/atom
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install atom

Open & Use Atom Text Editor
Once installed, you can open the Atom text editor from Dash. Search Atom in Dash and click its icon to open the program.

Remove Atom Text Editor
sudo apt-get remove atom
Installation Instructions on GitHub Page For Debian Linux (Ubuntu)
Currently only a 64-bit version of Atom Text Editor is available for Debian Linux/Ubuntu systems.
- Download “atom-amd64.deb” from the Atom releases page.
- Run “sudo dpkg –install atom-amd64.deb” on the downloaded package.
- Launch Atom using the “atom” command.
The Linux version does not currently automatically update so you will need to repeat these steps to upgrade to future releases.