Download Enpass Password Manager on Linux Ubuntu Systems. Install Enpass Password Manager on Ubuntu 14.10, Ubuntu 14.04 and Ubuntu Derivatives and secure your all your credentials & online accounts in safe and best way.
The Enpass Password Manager uses SQLCipher engine with AES-256 bit encryption. Besides passwords, the Enpass Password Manager app can store various other secure information. It also comes with a built-in password generator and autolock mechanism. The Enpass Password Manager app locks itself automatically when the app is idle or when the system is idle. The Enpass Password Manager can also import passwords from other password managers.
Download & Install Enpass Password Manager
One can download the Enpass Password Manager for Linux 64-bit only, Mac OS X and Windows. It can also be downloade for mobile such as iOS, Android, Windows Phone and BlackBerry.
Download Enpass Password Manager
When you click on the link, the actual Enpass download link is emailed to you. Once you have downloaded the Enpass Password Manager, install Enpass on Debian-based Linux distributions (Ubuntu, Linux Mint by running the following command. The command given below install the “libxss1” package needed for the software:
sudo apt-get install libxss1
Now run the following commands to install it. I assume that you’ve downloaded Enpass Password Manager in your home folder.
chmod +x EnpassInstaller