How to install OnlyOffice in Debian, Ubuntu 14.04/14.10 and Linux Mint Systems. OnlyOffice is a cloud office service that enables you to work/edit on office documents, projects, customer relations (CRM) and email in one place. It is an online office suite integrated with CRM system, document and project management toolset and email aggregator.
OnlyOffice online editor include Document Editor, Spreadsheet Editor and Presentation Editor. OnlyOffice features document sharing in view /edit modes. It also supports integration with file storage systems such as Google Drive, Box, OneDrive and Dropbox. Not only this, it also features integration with CRM, email aggregator and project management module.
Install OnlyOffice in Debian, Ubuntu and Linux Mint
System Requirements
- Distributive: Red Hat, CentOS or other compatible distributive, Debian, Ubuntu or other compatible distributive
- RAM: 2 GB or more
- Swap file: at least 2 GB
- HDD: at least 2 GB of free space
- Mono: version 3.2 or later
- MySQL: version 5.6 or later
- HTTP server: Nginx
Run the following commands in the terminal to install OnlyOffice in Debian, Ubuntu 14.04/14.10 and Linux Mint Systems:
sudo add-apt-repository "deb squeeze main"
sudo apt-key add onlyoffice.key
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install onlyoffice
Once OnlyOffice is installed, access it via or localhost.
Install OnlyOffice in Red Hat Linux, CentOS and Derivatives
Run the following commands in the terminal to install OnlyOffice in Red Hat Linux, CentOS and Derivatives:
sudo rpm --import ""
sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo
Once installed, create /etc/yum.repos.d/nginx.repo file. Use the following contents:
[nginx] name=nginx repo
Run the following command in Terminal to install OnlyOffice:
sudo yum install onlyoffice
Configure OnlyOffice:
To configure OnlyOffice in Linux Ubuntu, you must create and configure the database before you start working on OnlyOffice.To do so, simply run “/var/www/onlyoffice/” configuration script. Once the script is executed, enter the MySQL connection parameters, create the database and update the configuration files.
Please note that the “/var/www/onlyoffice/” configuration script does not create users. It also doesn’t change passwords for existing users.
You can download all the OnlyOffice source codes and installation files at SourceForge and GitHub repositories.
Credit Noobslab