Install Nvidia graphics drivers on Ubuntu via PPA. The Ubuntu Developers have released a PPA for Graphics Drivers (GPU Drivers Ubuntu PPA). The PPA currently ships with latest Nvidia Drivers and for now, only supports Nvidia video (GPU) cards.
The Proprietary GPU Drivers PPA will be soon uploaded with other proprietary gpu drivers. This step will be very helpful for Linux gamers as the drivers from the default Ubuntu repositories (PPA) are often very old and doesn’t support the latest release and fixes. With the release of the Ubuntu PPA the new functions and fixes for a graphics driver will be available for users instantly.
At the moment, the PPA provides the latest (stable version) Nvidia driver (352.30) and latest (beta version) Nvidia driver (355.06). It also provides libvdpau 1.1 and vdpauinfo 1.0, for Ubuntu 15.04 and Ubuntu 14.04 and Nvidia driver (346.87) for Ubuntu 12.04.
Adding this PPA to your system
Run the following commands to install and add the PPA on Ubuntu systems and derivatives:
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa
$ sudo apt-get update
Once you have installed the PPA, you can run the following command to install the newest Nvidia driver:
$ sudo apt-get install nvidia-355
You can update your system with unsupported packages from this untrusted PPA by adding ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa to your system’s Software Sources. This PPA can be added to your system manually by copying the lines below and adding them to your system’s software sources.
For Ubuntu 15.04
deb vivid main
deb-src vivid main
For Ubuntu 14.04
deb trusty main
deb-src trusty main
For Ubuntu 12.04
deb precise main
deb-src precise main