Shutter 0.93.1 Screenshot Tool for Ubuntu and Linux Mint. Install Shutter 0.93.1 Screenshot Tool on Ubuntu 15.10, Ubuntu 15.04, Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 14.10 and Ubuntu Derivatives. Shutter is a popular screeshot software. Shutter screenshot app allows to take screenshots of the Linux desktop. Using the Shutter screenshot tool, one can create, edit and share screenshots. Users can either capture the whole desktop or a specific area, a window, a tooltip or menu.
Shutter 0.93.1 is the latest version of the Shutter Screenshot Tool. Shutter 0.93.1 Screenshot Tool can be installed on Ubuntu 15.10, Ubuntu 15.04, Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 14.10 and Ubuntu Derivatives:
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:shutter/ppa
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install shutter
Once installed, Shutter 0.93.1 Screenshot Tool can be opened from Ubuntu Dash or Menu.
If you want to uninstall and remove Shutter screenshot tool from Ubuntu Systems, run the command given below:
$ sudo apt-get remove shutter