Museeks 0.7 released. How to install the latest version of Museeks music player for Ubuntu 16.04. The new version of Museeks Music Player is available to download – download Museeks for Linux (32-bit) and download Museeks for Linux (64-bit).
Museeks is a lightweight and cross-platform music player for Ubuntu Linux Systems. Museeks music player uses Node.js for back-end, electron (used to be atom-shell) for embedded browser and React.js as front-end framework.
Install Museeks Music Player On Ubuntu
Mussek 0.7 is the latest version of the music player. It has been released with the following changes:
- Add cover support
- If the track has an ID3 cover, it will be used
- If there is a [album|albumart|cover|folder].[jpg|png|bmp|gif] in the track folder, the first matching file will be used
- If the above solution fails, a “no-cover” fallback image is used
- Add an option to run Museeks with the OS’s native frame
- Add an option in the track list context menu to filter by album/artist
- Add files with uppercase extensions when scanning the library (e.g something.WAV)
- Add notifications after some actions
- Add a link to library in empty playlist
- Add an track play counter (not shown yet in the UI though)
- Add a troubleshooting section in Settings/About
- Improved queue drag&drop management
- More natural volume change
- Drop NeDB for LinvoDB3 with LevelJS: you will need to refresh your library
- Update to Electron 1.4.0
- Fix library refresh with some file without metadata and some .wav
- Fix library not scanning files without a lowercase extension (e.g .WAV) (thanks @YurySolovyov)
- Fix playback rate and volume not setting correctly on startup
- Fix play/pause global shortcut
- Fix error notification appearing on start-up when the auto-update checker fails
- Fix default volume value
Under the hood
- A lot of code changes and improvements
- Ensure Track path unique index
- Use classnames to manage conditional classes
- Use fetch instead of classic XHR request
- Split reducers in smaller ones
- Add eslint jsx-no-bind and max-len rules
- Add an action to restart the app
Museeks Music Player can be easily installed on Linux Ubuntu Systems – Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 15.04, Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 15.10, Ubuntu 14.10 and Linux Mint Systems. Open Terminal and run the following commands to install Museek music player on Linux Ubuntu:
On 32bit Ubuntu
cd ~/Downloads
sudo unzip ~/Downloads/museeks-linux-*.zip -d /opt
sudo mv /opt/museeks-linux* /opt/museeks
On 64bit Ubuntu
cd ~/Downloads
sudo unzip ~/Downloads/museeks-linux-*.zip -d /opt
sudo mv /opt/museeks-linux* /opt/museeks
Once installed, it’s time to create the desktop file “museeks.desktop.” To do so, run the following command:
gedit ~/.local/share/applications/museeks.desktop
Now copy and paste the following code into the created museeks.desktop file and save.
[Desktop Entry] Name=Museeks
Once everything is done, open the Museeks music player from Ubuntu Dash or Terminal.