Learn how to install Wunderlist App “Wunderlistux” on Ubuntu 16.10 and Ubuntu 16.04 Systems. Wunderlistux is an open-source electron wrapper for Wunderlist task management application. The Wunderlist app is specially designed for Elementary OS, but can easily be used on Ubuntu Systems also. The Wunderlist app uses the elementary (sic) GTK theme and icons and looks awesome.
Install Wunderlistux in Ubuntu Linux
Download the installer package .zip or .tar.gz from the official source. Click here to download the last release of Wunderlist App ‘Wunderlistux’ for Linux Ubuntu.
Once downloaded, extract and run the executable from. This will launch the Wunderlistux application.
Create Wunderlistux Shortcut
To add an app shortcut, create a file in “~/.local/share/applications” called wunderlistux.desktop with the following contents:
[Desktop Entry]
Or just copy the wunderlistux.desktop file from the release you downloaded. You have to edit the file anyway to fix the paths.