Install Nuclear, a Ubuntu Linux music streaming application. online music player for ubuntu. Nuclear is a free, multiplatform music player app that streams from multiple sources. It pulls content from free sources all over the internet. If you know mps-youtube, this is a similar music player but with a GUI. It’s also focusing more on audio. Imagine Spotify which you don’t have to pay for and with a bigger library.
- Searching for and playing music from youtube (including integration with playlists), bandcamp (including albums), and soundcloud
- Searching for related songs in youtube
- Downloading from youtube
- Searching for albums (powered by and musicbrainz), album view, automatic song lookup based on artist and track name (in progress, can be dodgy sometimes)
- Song queue, which can be exported as a playlist
- Loading saved playlists (stored in json files)
- Scrobbling to (along with updating the ‘now playing’ status)