DigiKam 6.0 is released with support for video files management. Install DigiKam photo manager and image editor for Linux Ubuntu Systems. The new digiKam 6.0.0. brings improvements and fixes. The new major version 6.0.0 introduce these new features: Full support of video files management working just like photos. An integration of all import/export web-service tools in LightTable, Image editor and Showfoto.
digiKam 6.0.0 – Improvements and Fixes
The new major version 6.0.0 introduce these new features:
- Full support of video files management working just like photos.
- An integration of all import/export web-service tools in LightTable, Image editor and Showfoto.
- Raw file decoding engine supporting new cameras.
- Similarity data is now stored in a separate database file.
- Simplified web-service authentication using OAuth protocol.
- New tools to export to Pinterest, OneDrive and Box web-services.
- The capability to re-organize the icon-view contents manually.
A huge factoring of source code has been done to reduce external dependencies again with the goal to simplify application compilation, packaging and maintenance for the future.
Video Files Management as Photo
digiKam has the capability to play video files as well, without requiring an extra video player and dedicated codecs (thanks to FFmpeg and QtAV frameworks). One major dysfunction reported with previous beta release was about the embeded video slider used to jump into the stream contents which do not work anymore. This regression, introduced by changes in QtAV API require a long investigation to restore the feature.
Iconview : Separate Album Contents Feature
With this release, the Album management gets a new feature: separating icon-view items by properties. The default option does not separate items and provides a flat list. The new model can show album contents, automatically separated using virtual sub-albums, accordingly by mime types (RAW, JPEG, PNG, TIFF), or by the month they were shot in. To use this feature, go to the View/Separate Items menu entry.
Exiv2 0.27 support
With this new release we are following the Exiv2 project which has released their new stable release 0.27.0. This library is a main component of digiKam used to interact with file metadata, like populating database contents, updating item textual information, or to handling XMP side-car for read only files.
digiKam 6.0.0 has been fixed to support the new API of this library.

Time-Adjust Tool
With this new release the famous TimeAdjust tool is back to quickly patch time-stamp of items, without having to use the Batch Queue Manager workflow. Adjusting the date is a common task that wont necessarily require as complex a tool as BQM. In all cases, even if TimeAdjust tool is now available everywhere in AlbumView, ImageEditor, LightTable, and Showfoto, a workflow with the possibility to fix date is always available in BQM as with previous releases.
Download & Install DigiKam 6.0
Please note that as of now, there’s no PPA or Snap or flatpak for the latest digikam 6.0.0. So to install the latest version, we have to use Appimage . Click on the link below to download appimage.
Download Digikam (appimage)
Once you have download the i386 or x86_64 appimage, simply right-click and then go to file’s Properties and make it executable file. Now run the appimage to launch digiKam in Ubuntu.