Download Ubuntu 20.04 wallpaper. The official wallpaper of Ubuntu 20.04 is released and comes in two variants. Download them and also know the Ubuntu 20.04 LTS release date and Ubuntu 20.04 system requirements.
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Download Ubuntu 20.04 Wallpaper
Simply right click on the wallpaper and save it.

Ubuntu 20.04 Code Name
Ubuntu 20.04 Code Name is Focal Fossa and it is likely to be released with GNOME 3.36 and Linux Kernel 5.5 (or newer). With a brand new wallpaper, UI, snaps apps and security improvements and networking improvements.
LTS Long Term Support – LTS or ‘Long Term Support’ releases are published every two years in April. LTS releases are the ‘enterprise grade’ releases of Ubuntu and are utilised the most. An estimated 95% of all Ubuntu installations are LTS releases, with more than 60% of large-scale production clouds running on the most popular OS images – Ubuntu 18.04, 16.04 and 14.04 LTS.
Every six months between LTS versions, Canonical publishes an interim release of Ubuntu, with18.10 being the latest example. These are production-quality releases and are supported for their lifespan, with sufficient time provided for users to update, but these releases do not receive the long-term commitment of LTS releases.
Ubuntu 20.04 Release Schedule
- October 24th – Toolchain Uploaded
- November 28th – Feature Definition Freeze
- January 9th – Ubuntu Testing Week (optional)
- February 27th – FeatureFreeze – Debian Import Freeze
- March 5th – Ubuntu Testing Week (optional)
- March 19th – User Interface Freeze
- March 26th – Documentation String Freeze
- April 2nd – Beta Freeze (Monday), Beta (mandatory)
- April 9th – Kernel Freeze, NonLanguage Pack Translation Deadline
- April 16th – Final Freeze, Release Candidate, Language Pack Translation Deadline
- April 23rd – Final Release, Ubuntu 20.04
Regular releases are supported for 9 months and packages in main and restricted are supported for 5 years in long term support (LTS) releases. Flavors generally support their packages for 3 years in LTS releases but there are exceptions. See the release notes for specific details.
Freezes normally happen at 2100 UTC, to permit overnight builds to include the last content. Please make sure all changes have been uploaded before then unless agreed to by the release team.
In general, October releases follow a 25-week schedule, while April releases follow a 27-week schedule, to compensate for year-end holidays (non-LTS releases might break this cycle to wiggle things a bit).