How to install PuTTY on Linux Ubuntu Systems. Here is the terminal command to install PuTTY Linux command line.
PuTTY on Linux
PuTTY Linux vesion is a graphical terminal program that supports the SSH, telnet, and rlogin protocols and connecting to serial ports. It can also connect to raw sockets, typically for debugging use.
How to Install PuTTY on Linux
Note that Putty is not installed by default on most Linux distributions, such as Ubuntu and Debian. On Debian, it can be installed with the following command:
$ sudo add-apt-repository universe $ sudo apt update $ sudo apt install putty $ sudo aptitude install putty-tools
Once installed, the PuTTY graphical client can be started by just running putty command.
PuTTY supports public key authentication. It uses its own key format (.ppk files). The puttygen tool is used for generating a private key for authentication.
To enable public key authentication, run command:
puttygen -t rsa -b 2048 -o mykey.ppk puttygen -L mykey.ppk
Now copy the public key to the .ssh/authorized_keys file on the server that you want to log in to using the key.