Here is how to install and use Facebook messenger for Linux Ubuntu. Users can download and install Caprine Facebook messenger desktop app for Linux Ubuntu.
Caprine is an unofficial and privacy-focused Facebook Messenger app Linux Ubuntu with many useful features. Caprine lets you access Facebook Messenger directly from your computer. It provides a convenient way to chat with your friends and family on Messenger without needing to open a web browser.
Caprine offers a user-friendly interface that with various useful features, such as:
- Desktop notifications: Can be turned on in Preferences.
- Always on Top: You can toggle whether Caprine stays on top of other windows in the Window/View menu or with Command/Control Shift t.
- Dark mode: Convert your messenger to a dark theme. You can toggle dark mode in the View menu or with Command d / Control d.
- Privacy: Ability to toggle last seen/typing indicators
- Responsive: Interface adapts to smaller sizes
- Notifications: In-house notifications to keep you up to date
- Prevents link tracking: Links that you click on will not be tracked by Facebook.
- Work Chat support: Support for Work Chat: Messenger for Workplace. You can switch to it in the Caprine/File menu.
- Code blocks: You can send code blocks by using Markdown syntax.
- Quick access to conversations from the Dock menu (macOS only)
Install Caprine Facebook Messenger in Linux
To install Caprine, the Facebook Messenger desktop app, on Debian-based Linux distributions like Ubuntu and Linux Mint, run the following set of commands:
wget -q -O- | sudo bash
Using AppImage
You can also use the AppImage to download and run Caprine on your Linux system. To do so, visit the official Caprine GitHub releases page and download the latest Caprine AppImage file using the following command.
Once the download is complete, make the AppImage file executable and run it as shown.
chmod +x Caprine-2.59.3.AppImage
You can also install the Caprine using Snap or Flatpak package. To do so, run:
sudo snap install caprine
flatpak install flathub com.github.sindresorhus.caprine
Once the installation is complete, open Caprine from applications menu or run the command “caprine” in the terminal.
Note that Caprine is a third-party app and is not affiliated with Facebook.You can read more about the app on this link