Here is how to update, download and install Linux Kernel 6.10 in Ubuntu 24.04, Ubuntu 23.10 and Ubuntu 23.04 Systems, via official Kernel Mainline PPA.
To download Linux Kernel 6.10 via Mainline Kernel PPA, you can visit and download the required Kernel module files.
For Kernel 10.6.4, download the appropriate kernel files for your architecture. For 64-bit architecture (Systems), you should download the following files:
Once installed, you can run the commands:
sudo apt install ./linux.deb
rm ./linux.deb
Alternatively you can also use the command sudo dpkg -i *.deb for installing Kernel.
Don’t forget to restart the computer after the installtion is complete. For more of the PCs it should automatically boot using the new Kernel. To verify your Kernel verison, you can run uname -a command in terminal.
If you want to rollback the changes and downgrade the Linux Kernel (uninstall the newly installed Kernel), you will have to boot into an older kernel and then remove the newer Linux kernel.
To uninstall the Kernel 10.6.4 package, reboot your computer using the old Kernel from Grub boot-menu and then run the following command:
sudo apt remove --autoremove linux-modules-6.10..deb linux-headers-6.10.deb
NOTE: Before you uninstall the Kernel, make sure that you are not deleting the kernel you are currently running on your system.