How to install Anatine Twitter App on Ubuntu 16.10 and Ubuntu 16.04. Anatine is a “Pristine Twitter App” for Linux Ubuntu Systems. This app is based the awesome Mobile Twitter site, but modifies a lot of things and makes it more usable on the desktop.
Install Anatine Twitter App on Ubuntu
To install the Anatine Twitter app, simply download (link below) the app unzip. To use the app, simply extract the folder and click on the Anantine exe file.
You can simply run the following commands in terminal to download the latest release of Anatine for Linux Ubuntu and extract it.
sudo apt-get update
sudo unzip ~/Downloads/Anatine-linux-*.zip -d /opt/Anatine
To add a shortcut to the app, create a file in “~/.local/share/applications” called “anatine.desktop” with the following contents:
[Desktop Entry] Name=Anatine
Keyboard shortcuts
- New tweet: n
- New DM: m
- Send tweet/DM: Cmd Enter or Ctrl Enter
- Go to Home: g h
- Go to Notifications: g n
- Go to Messages: g m
- Go to Search: /
- Go to Profile: g p
- Go to Likes: g l
- Go to Lists: g i
- Go to previous page: Delete or Backspace
- Next tab: Ctrl Tab
- Previous tab: Ctrl Shift Tab
- Go to next tweet: j
- Go to previous tweet: k
- Page down: Ctrl d
- Page up: Ctrl u
- Scroll to top: g g
- Scroll to bottom: G
Please Note
- You can toggle dark mode in the Anatine menu or with Cmd Shift D / Ctrl Shift D.
- When closing the window, the app will continue running in the background, in the dock on macOS and the tray on Linux/Windows. Right-click the dock/tray icon and choose Quit to completely quit the app. On Linux, right-click the tray icon and choose Toggle to toggle the window.