Install Firefox 38.0.5 on Linux Ubuntu 15.04, Ubuntu 14.04 and Derivatives. Terminal commands to install Firefox 38.0.5 on Ubuntu via PPA. Firefox 38.0.5 is the latest version of Firefox browser relased. Firefox 38.0.5 brings Pocket integration. Pocket is a popular save-for-later service. Pocket was started as a Firefox Add-on and is now a service in […]
Install Audacious 3.6.2 in Ubuntu 15.04, Ubuntu 14.04 and Derivatives
How to Install Audacious 3.6.2 in Ubuntu 15.04, Ubuntu 14.04 and Derivatives. Terminal commands to install Audacious 3.6.2 music player via the Webupd8 PPA on Linux Ubuntu Systems. Audacious is a popular an open-source music player for Linux Ubuntu Systems. It comes with support for audio effects, equalizer, plugins and support for Winamp skins and […]
Terminal Commands To Install Google Chrome 44 on Ubuntu, Fedora and CentOS
Install Google Chrome 44 (Chrome 44.0.2403.18) on Ubuntu, Fedora and CentOS. Terminal commands to install the latest version of Chrome browser on Ubuntu 15.04, Ubuntu 14.04 and derivative systems. Chrome 44 Beta brings improvements to Notifications API and promoted add to homescreen. The latest Chrome Beta (Chrome 44) channel release includes new ES6 features and […]
How To Upgrade From Fedora 21 To Fedora 22
Download and upgrade Fedora 22. How to upgrade from Fedora 21 to Fedora 22 Desktop. Terminal commands to upgrade Fedora 21 to Fedora 22 using ‘FedUp’ Tool. The FedUp utility tool by Fedora Project is a wonderful application for upgrading the old Fedora Distro to the newly released version of Fedora Desktop. Let us see […]
How To Install Fedy (Fedora Utils) On Fedora 22 Desktop
Customize Fedora 22 Desktop. Install Fedy (Fedora Utils) on Fedora 22 and tweak your Fedora Desktop. Fedy (Fedora Utils) is a post-installation script written in bash for Fedora Desktop. Fedy is a wonderul tool which enables a standard Fedora installation with additional applications, utilities, codecs and much more. Fedy can be used to install and […]
How To Install Linux Kernel 4.1 RC6 on Ubuntu 15.04, Ubuntu 14.04 & Ubuntu 14.10
Linux Kernel 4.1 Release Candidate 6 for Ubuntu Systems has been released. Here’s the Terminal commands to install Linux Kernel 4.1 RC6 on 32 bit/64 bit Ubuntu 15.04, Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 14.10 and Ubuntu Derivatives. Install Kernel 4.1 RC6 on 32 bit Ubuntu Systems Open Terminal and run the following commands to install Linux Kernel […]