Install Pithos Radio Client in Ubuntu 15.04/14.10/14.04 and Linux Mint. Pandora Client Pithos 1.1.0 and Pithos 1.0.2 has been released. Pithos is a Radio client for Linux Ubuntu Systems. Pithos comes with many exciting features. Pithos is much more lightweight than the web client, and integrates with desktop features such as media […]
How To Install .deb File in Ubuntu 15.04/14.10/14.04
How to install .deb file in Ubuntu 15.04/14.10/14.04. Install and make GDebi default application for .deb installation in Ubuntu 15.04/14.04/14.10. Gdebi is an alternative for Ubuntu Software Center for Linux Systems. GDebi is a dedicated program for installing (.deb) Debian executable files on Linux Ubuntu systems. GDebi is focused on installing .deb files and is […]
Top 5 Best Free Online Image Editors Just Like Photoshop
Which are the best free online image editors. List of the top 5 image editing tools, browser-based online photo editing tools. These are the top 5 online image editing tools, which anyone can use directly in their browser. These online image editing tools are powerful yet easy to use. These image editing tools can perform […]
Install Fresh Player Plugin 0.2.4 on Ubuntu via PPA
Install Fresh Player Plugin on Ubuntu via PPA (Pepper Flash Wrapper for Firefox). The latest Fresh Player Plugin 0.2.4 is released with accelerated rendering and high DPI support. The latest Adobe Flash Player versions are only available on Linux Systems via/through Google Chrome browser. Other browsers are still using the older version of Adobe Flash […]
How To Install Themes In Ubuntu 15.04, Ubuntu 14.04 and Ubuntu 14.10
How to install Themes in Ubuntu 15.04, Ubuntu 14.04 and Ubuntu 14.10. Change Unity Desktop themes on Ubuntu with Ubuntu/Gnome Tweak Tool or via Terminal Commands. You can download and install custom themes in Ubuntu 15.04/14.10/14.04. There are two ways to install and use themes in Ubuntu: Install Themes via PPA – Run terminal commands […]
How To Install & Run Microsoft Windows Games & Apps on Linux Ubuntu
Install PlayonLinux 4.2.7 in Ubuntu and Linux Mint Systems. PlayOnLinux software allows to install and use Microsoft Windows games and apps on Linux Ubuntu Systems. PlayOnLinux is a free software which uses Bash and Python. PlayOnLinux is based on Wine HQ, and you don’t have to own a Windows license to use PlayOnLinux. PlayOnLinux’s features […]