How to install Kernel 3.19.2 on 32 bit and 64 bit Ubuntu 14.10, Ubuntu 14.04 and Derivatives. Linux Kernel 3.19.2 has been released with ARM updates, architecture improvements and networking fixes. You can install Kernel 3.19.2 on Ubuntu 15.04/14.10/14.04, Linux Mint 17 and other Ubuntu derivative systems. To install Linux Kernel 3.19.2, download the deb […]
Convert Multimedia Files on Ubuntu – Install FFmpeg 2.6.1 On Ubuntu 15.04/14.10/14.04
How to install FFmpeg 2.6.1 on Ubuntu 14.10 and Ubuntu 14.04 systems. FFmpeg is a multimedia framework which comes with the ffmpeg tool for converting multimedia files. It can be used for transcoding, streaming and playing multimedia contents – auido and video files. FFmpeg multimedia framework contains libavcodec, libavutil, libavformat, libavfilter, libavdevice, libswscale and libswresample […]
How To Install Audio Recorder 1.6.3 On Ubuntu Systems
How to record audio on Ubuntu – record music to audio files onn Linux Ubuntu. Install Audio Recorder software on Ubuntu 15.04/14.10/14.04. Audio Recorder software can record audio files using the system’s card, microphone, and other devices with microphone. It supports audio formats like OGG, FLAC, MP3 or WAV. Here’s how to install the latest […]
Install These Best Ubuntu Panel Bar Indicators on Ubuntu 14.10/14.04
Install Panel Bar Indicators on Ubuntu 14.04/14.10 Unity Desktop. Install Brightness Indicator, Classic Menu Indicator, My-Weather Indicator, Search Files Indicator, System Monitor Indicator, Touchpad Indicator and Sticky Notes Indicator on Ubuntu system. 1: Brightness Indicator Brightness indicator allows you to control your laptop display brightness with indicator. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:indicator-brightness/ppa sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get […]
How To Format Write-Protected USB Drive and Memory Card
How to format USB drives and memory cards which are write protected. You cannot delete contents or make any new files on right protected USB drives and SD Cards. But there is a way to format USB drives which are right-protected. Let see how:
How To Install SeaMonkey 2.33 On Linux Ubuntu Systems
Install SeaMonkey 2.33 on Linux Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 14.10 and Derivative Systems. SeaMonkey is an Internet suite that includes a Web-browser, advanced e-mail, newsgroup and feed client, IRC chat, HTML editor and web development tools. SeaMonkey is based on Mozilla Firefox. SeaMonkey has the following features: SeaMonkey suite Internet browser uses the same rendering engine and […]