How to install Fotoxx 15.02 (Photo Editing Software) on Ubuntu 14.04 and Ubuntu 14.10. Install Fotoxx 15.02 on Debian 8 and Ubuntu Derivatives – Linux Mint 17.1/17, Elementary OS 0.3, Deepin 2014 and others. Fotoxx is an open source photo editing software for Linux Ubuntu systems. It can be used to edit images/photos and manage […]
How To Install Ubuntu Touch Music App 2.0 On Ubuntu 14.10 And Ubuntu 15.04
How to install Ubuntu Touch Music App 2.0 on Ubuntu 14.10 and Ubuntu 15.04. Ubuntu Touch Music App 2.0 cannot be installed on Ubuntu 14.04. Ir can be used on both, desktop and smartphone. Run the following commands in Terminal to install Ubuntu Touch Music App 2.0 on either Ubuntu 14.10 or Ubuntu 15.04. Please […]
How to Install Linux Kernel 3.19 in Ubuntu 14.10 & Ubuntu 14.04
How to install Linux Kernel 3.19 on Ubuntu 14.10, Ubuntu 14.04 and Ubuntu Derivatives. You can now upgrade to Linux Kernel 3.19, released with major improvement for Linux systems. Install & Upgrade to Linux Kernel 3.19 Open Terminal and run the commands given below to download and install the Linux Kernel 3.19: For 64-bit Linux […]
How to Install LXQt 0.9 Desktop Environment in Ubuntu 14.04 & Ubuntu 14.10
Install LXQt 0.9 desktop environment on Ubuntu 14.04 and Ubuntu 14.10. LXQt 0.9.0 is a fast and stable desktop environment. It comes with a new LXQt Frost theme, lots of UI and several new features. LXQt is the Qt port and the upcoming version of LXDE, the Lightweight Desktop Environment. It is the product of […]
Install Soundconverter on Ubuntu 14.04 & Ubuntu 14.10
Convert audio files/mp3s in Linux Ubuntu. Install SoundConverter, the best audio converter for Ubuntu. You can install Install SoundConverter 2.1.5 audio converter on Ubuntu 14.10, Ubuntu 14.04, Linux Mint and other popular Ubuntu Derivatives. SoundConverter 2.1.5 supports all the auido files supported by GStreamer and converts them to Ogg, WAV, FLAC or MP3 audio formats. […]
Download & Install Tor Browser Bundle 4.0.3 on Ubuntu 14.04 & Ubuntu 14.10
Download and install Tor Browser Bundle 4.0.3 on Ubuntu 14.04/Ubuntu 14.10. Install and use the Tor Browser to surf the web anonymously on Linux Ubuntu systems. The Tor software protects you identity by bouncing the communications around a distributed network of relays. It prevents somebody watching your Internet connection and prevents others from knowing/tracking what […]