Install Antu Universal Icon Theme on Ubuntu Linux Systems. Antu Universal Icon Theme is a flat icon theme for Ubuntu, inspired by Max OSX and other popular Mobile and Desktop OS. It comes in various colours – Blue, Orange and White. Blue is the default colour code for the Antu Universal Icon Theme.
Install Antu Universal Icon On Ubuntu Linux
Ubuntu users can easily install Antu Universal Icon Theme. First, download the Antu Icon Theme manually.
Download Antu Universal Icon
Once downloaded, extract to /usr/share/icons directory manually or run the following commands to install the Antu Universal Icon Theme:
$ cd /usr/share/icons
$ sudo tar -xzvf Antu-universal icons.tar.gz
$ sudo rm -Rf Antu-universal icons.tar.gz
$ cd Antu-universal icons
$ sudo mv Antu-universal Antu-universal-mono Antu-universal-orange Antu-universal-symbolic-blue Antu-universal-symbolic-orange Antu-universal-symbolic-white Antu-universal-white /usr/share/icons
Once the Antu Icon Theme is installed, you can use it via Ubuntu Tweal Tool or Unity Tweal Tool.
Not sure how to use themes and icons on Ubuntu. Follow the tutorial (link below) to learn how to install and use themes and icons on Linux Ubuntu Systems.