Here is how to use the rm command to delete folders and remove files older than 30 days in Linux. If you want to delete files of a particular date range in Linux, read this tutorial. Using rm Command In Unix based systems, rm command is use to remove files or directories. The rm (remove) […]
How To
How-to tutorials for Ubuntu, Linux, Android, WordPress, websites and more. Learn about Ubuntu Linux how to solve problems, errors, manage updates, fix issues and add functions & features.
Install Linux Kernel 6.11 in Ubuntu Terminal
Install Linux Kernel 6.11 in Ubuntu. Here is how to update, download and install Linux Kernel 6.11 in Ubuntu terminal via official Kernel Mainline PPA. Before you begin to install kernel in Ubuntu terminal you must update your Ubuntu Linux system. You can run the following commands: NOTE: For example, for For 64-bit architecture, you […]
Download Ubuntu 24.10 Default Wallpapers
Download Ubuntu 24.10 default wallpaper. Users can download Ubuntu wallpapers 1920×1080 or Ubuntu Wallpaper 4k for mobile. Along-with the default wallpapers of Ubuntu 24.10 Oracular Oriole, you can also download the Ubuntu 24.10 optional wallpapers. Download Ubuntu 24.10 Wallpaper The default wallpapers of Ubuntu 24.10 Oracular Oriole comes in the following variants Ubuntu 24.10 Release […]
Check How Many Users Are Created In Linux Ubuntu
This post explains how to check what users are in Linux. One can easily check user details in Linux System to know how many users are created in the System. Check user details in Linux You can check user details in Linux using who command. ‘who’ prints information about users who are currently logged on. […]
How To Send Large Files Free Without Registration
Ways to transfer file online from mobile to pc. You can easily send large files free without registration and transfer large files free 10gb, 20gb or upto 100gb. With these websites transfer heavy files online free or transfer large video files online. 1. We Transfer With a free wetransfer account users can send files […]
How To Open A File In Ubuntu Terminal
Learn how to open a directory in terminal Linux and how to open a file in a directory in Linux terminal. Here is how to open file from terminal Ubuntu or open folder from terminal Ubuntu. Open folder/directory from Ubuntu Terminal You can open the folder/directory from Ubuntu terminal using cd command. The cd or […]