Gscan2pdf 1.8.5 released. Install Gscan2pdf on Ubuntu Linux and also learn how to use Gscan2pdf. The gscan2pdf is a GUI to produce PDFs or DjVus from scanned documents. Scanning is handled with SANE via scanimage. PDF conversion is done by PDF::API2. TIFF export is handled by libtiff (faster and smaller memory footprint for multipage files). […]
Update to Linux Kernel 4.13 RC6 on Ubuntu Systems
Update to Linux Kernel 4.13 RC6 on Ubuntu Systems. Ubuntu users can download and install Kernel 4.13 RC6. The sixth weekly release Kernel 4.13 RC6 brings many regression and bug fixes. Announcing the release of Kernel 4.13 RC6, Linus Torvalds wrote: Things have been pretty calm, and rc6 is out there. Nothing particular really stands […]
Install Brackets 1.10 Code Editor via PPA in Ubuntu
Install Brackets 1.10 code editor via PPA in Ubuntu. Brackets is an open source code editor for the web, written in JavaScript, HTML and CSS, for Linux Ubuntu systems. What’s New in Release 1.10 Multiple encoding support by saurabh95 : Brackets now supports more than 40 different file encodings. You can now Open/Save files with […]
Install LibreOffice 5.4 Office Suite on Linux Ubuntu
LibreOffice 5.4 Office Suite released. How to install LibreOffice on Linux Ubuntu. LibreOffice 5.4 released with new features for Writer, Calc and Impress. LibreOffice 5.4 Office Suite is to be supported until 11 June 2018. LibreOffice 5.4 adds significant new features in every module, including the usual large number of incremental improvements to Microsoft Office […]
Install Bookworm eBook Reader On Ubuntu Linux
Bookwork ebook reader for Linux Ubuntu Systems. Bookworm is a simple ebook reader for Elementary OS, which can be installed on Ubuntu. Bookworm supports epub, pdf, mobi, cbr, etc. This version supports EPUB, PDF and Comics (CBR and CBZ) formats. It has an easy, simple layout to read books irrespective of the ebook format (epub, […]
Install JumpFM Dual Panel File Manager for Linux Ubuntu
Download and install JumpFM file manager for Linux Ubuntu. JumpFm is a dual panel file manager for Linux Ubuntu Systems. JumpFm lets you navigate your file system very efficiently. It is highly configurable and extendible and it comes with some builtin super-powers. JumpFM File Manager Features: Jumping – Press j to jump directly to your […]