Customize Notifications Bubbles in Ubuntu Linux. Install Notify OSD on Ubuntu using ppa:leolik/leolik. The new, patched Notify-OSD brings various new features such option to move the notifications and set notification background colors and notification text colors. Users can also change the opacity and size of various NotifyOSD notification elements. Notify OSD provides a notification system […]
Ubuntu 16.04 Notifications
Ubuntu Notifications Configure Tool – Install NoNotifications Ubuntu Indicator On Ubuntu 16.10
Install NoNotifications Ubuntu Indicator on Ubuntu 16.10 and Ubuntu 16.04 and customize Ubuntu Desktop notification. nonotifs (NoNotifications)indicator for Ubuntu temporarily suppress notifications of notify-osd (notify-send). The latest version of NoNotifications indicator brings an option that allows to only suppress notifications containing specific stings. This can be very useful when you wish to disable notifications from […]