Franz messenger service for Linux Ubuntu. How to install Franz messaging app in Linux Ubuntu 16.04. Franz is a free messaging app that combines chat & messaging services into one application. Franz supports 14 messaging apps such as WhatsApp, Slack, HipChat, Facebook Messenger, WeChat, Telegram,Google Hangouts, Skype, GroupMe and Grape are currently supported with more to follow soon.
Users can download and install Franz for Mac, Windows & Linux Systems.
List of the 14 messaging services supported by Franz:
- Telegram
- Facebook Messenger
- Skype (messaging only)
- Steam Chat
- Google Hangouts
- Slack
- HipChat
- GroupMe
- Gitter
- ChatWork
- Discord
- Grape
Download & Install Franz Messaging App
To download Franz messaging app, visit and click on download button. Download the newly released version of Franz and then extract. Now double-click on the “Franz” to run the Franz messaging app.