Linux Kernel 4.9.10 released. All users of the 4.9 kernel series must upgrade. Install Kernel 4.9.10 on Ubuntu Systems. Linux Kernel 4.9.10 brings a total of 72 files, 463 insertions and 290 deletions that makes it a major release. Announcing the release, Greg Kroah-Hartman said “I’m announcing the release of the 4.9.10 kernel. All users […]
Install & Use Axel Download Accelerator On Ubuntu Linux
Install axel download accelerator for Ubuntu Linux. How to use axel downloader on Ubuntu Systems. Axel is a command line download accelerator for Linux Ubuntu Systems. Axel enables faster apt-get installations and upgrades. Axel A light download accelerator for Linux. Axel is a program that downloads a file from a FTP or HTTP server through […]
Install Bmon Linux Network Monitoring Software
Install bmon network monitoring tool in Linux Ubuntu. bmon is one of the most effective Linux network monitoring tools. On Ubuntu, it can be used to monitor network traffic. bmon is a monitoring and debugging tool to capture networking related statistics and prepare them visually in a human friendly way. It features various output methods […]
How To Password Protect Folder In Linux – Encrypt Folder In Ubuntu, via Cryptkeeper
How to password protect a folder in Ubuntu Linux. How to create password protected file in Ubuntu Linux. How to lock a folder in Linux. Folders can be password protected in Ubuntu Linux Systems, via Cryptkeeper application. Cryptkeeper is a GUI tool, a Linux system tray applet that manages EncFS encrypted folders. Install Cryptkeeper in […]
Install Nvidia 378.13 Graphics Driver On Ubuntu
Terminal commands to install Nvidia Graphics Driver on Linux Ubuntu Systems. Install Nvidia 378.13 Linux x64 (AMD64/EM64T) Display Driver on Ubuntu 16.10, Ubuntu 16.04 and other Ubuntu Systems. Nvidia 378.13 – Features & Fixes Added support for the following GPU(s): Quadro P3000 Quadro GP100 Quadro P4000 Quadro P2000 Quadro P1000 Quadro P600 Quadro P400 Quadro […]
Install XFCE Parole Media Player On Ubuntu
Parole Media Player 0.9.0 released. Install Parole Xfce media player on Ubuntu and Linux Mint Systems, via PPA. Parole is a modern simple media player based on the GStreamer framework and written to fit well in the Xfce desktop. It is designed with simplicity, speed and resource usage in mind. Parole features playback of local […]